
刊名: 教师教育研究
主办: 北京师范大学;华东师范大学;高等学校教资培训交流北京中心
周期: 月刊
语种: 中文;
开本: 大16开
ISSN: 1672-5905
CN: 11-5147/G4

期刊荣誉:社科双效期刊;国家新闻出版总署收录;中国期刊网核心源刊;CSSCI 中文社会科学引文索引来源期刊;北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》来源期刊;


【作者】 杨 娟


【正文】Abstract: This article outlined the new historicism to proceed from the following two aspects, namely: the narrative viewpoint with “fool” itself as the first-person and the dusty type of history in the hero’s eyes to explore the “settled” in the new historicism color.
  Key words: Settled; New Historicism color; fool; history
  (A) The narrative viewpoint with “fool” itself as the first-person 
  New Historicism as a new genre and literary criticism practices, first appeared in the contemporary world literary forum in 1982. The so called “new” of new historicism is mainly because the new historicism approach to history is not simply the way back to the history, but through a combination of historical materialism and modern cultural criticism, to create a new method of historicist criticism. Different from the traditional historical novels which use more third-person, Settled was written from the perspective of first-person. The narrator is no longer superior and the history is no longer distant from the narrator.
  Hero of the novel fool “me” acted as narrator, from the point of first-person to tell a life upbringing, narrate a history toast jurisdictions. At very beginning of the novel, it is said “It was a snowy morning, I lay in bed, I heard a group of wild thrush call out the sound outside the window,” by contrast, the novel came to an end with the first-person narration “I was in bed, cold, blood also on the floor and slowly turned black color”. Most of the details are written from the perspective of first-person or expressed by the first-person narration. This is the traditional historical novel of the kind of law-abiding, in certain situations you have to say the words sounding scene is not the same. The novel is done from the first-person narrative point of view, that is, the history from the “fool” mouth, but its “truth” side showed everywhere.
  (B) The dusty type of history in the hero’s eyes
  New Historicism focuses on the humanistic of history. Based on narrative novels, it is a descriptive discourse of things happened in the past. As a representative of the New Historicism, Hayden White put that, “history is a kind of poetic fictional narrative discourse, history is a symbol of the structure and an extend of the metaphor.”
  Through the narration of the hero “fool”, Settled described the entire collapse process of the Tibetan chieftain system before our nation’s foundation. As the author Alai said, “a person’s memory is the memory of the entire tribe. Those memories are some of the details can be placed by full time pieces." The world presented before “I” is the kind of dusty type. Though the dust is floating in the air, it is doomed to fell to the ground eventually.
  In the eyes of a fool, life is like what happens when the numerous dust rise capsules, but ultimately all the dust off the earth. Here history is not that kind what historians study, but life itself. It is not the single-line but multi-line oriented. In addition, different from the traditional historical novel with strong Masashi orthodoxy, new historicism history focuses on the singleness in the multi-line. In the orthodox interpretation of the author seems to have forgotten the history of the real, which is impossible to see in the traditional historical novel. Undoubtedly, Settled with a history of strong colors of new doctrine. Here is not a historical idea of forming a single mainstream consciousness about what we can see, but the other face of historical discourse which is a unique interpretation.
  In summary, no matter its first-person narrative point of view or the dusty type of history in the hero’s eyes, we can see the new historicism color in the novel—Settled.
  [1] Aly, Settled [M], People’s Literature Publishing House, 2001. 
  [2] Dong Xuewen, Western Theory of Literary History [M], Beijing University Press, 2005. 
  [3] Wang Yuechuan, Postcolonialism and New Historicism Literary Theory [M]. Shandong Education Press, 1999.